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Lantana Bandana® 'Gold' - S1

Lantana Bandana® 'Gold'

Lantana camara
For sheer flower power, nothing can beat this compact, neatly mounded variety. Sunny gold flower clusters bloom all summer and fall atop super-healthy dark green foliage. Butterflies elbow each other out of the way to savor the abundant nectar of the clustered tiny trumpets—a superior performer for containers and water-wise gardens.
SKU #P8549
Caution: Poisonous. The purchaser assumes all liability related to the use of this product.
$7.60 $8.95
Shipped As
Pot: 3.5" h x 2.63" w (9.5 fl oz)
Annual; tender perennial
Perennial Hardiness Zone
Annual Hardiness
Tender Annual
Mature Size
1-2' h x 1-2' w
Full sun
Regular, moist, well-drained
Summer to fall
Golden yellow
Great for containers
Deer Resistant
Heat or Drought Tolerant
Attracts Butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds
Heat and humidity-loving lantana thrives in the well-drained soil of containers and carpets the ground with rich green foliage and an abundance of butterfly-attracting flowers. However, it can be invasive when grown as a groundcover in areas where it is perennial. Pinch when setting out to encourage branching. Deadhead developing seed heads throughout summer and fertilize with low nitrogen flower fertilizer midseason for continued full bloom. A good choice for beachfront plantings, as they tolerate salt. Caution: Mild toxic effects may occur if berries are ingested.
Final Spacing:
Water Requirements:
Medium Water Use
Watering Details:
Allow soil to nearly dry between waterings, but never dry out or allow to remain in saturated soils.
Soil pH:
Slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
Lantana tolerates poor soil conditions, apply an inch or two of compost or time release formulation when planting. Too much fertilizer may decrease blooming, however container grown plants can be fertilized twice a season with a time-release formula or once a month with a liquid fertilizer.
Diseases & Pests:
Whiteflies, spider mites and thrips can be pests of lantanas. Control by spraying with insecticidal soap.